Regular Cleaning: Wood surfaces treated with Polyx®-Oil Rapid are highly repellent and easy to maintain. Remove debris with the Osmo green Dust-Mop from the Mop Cleaning Kit for Floors, or use a broom or a vacuum cleaner.Damp mop floors using diluted Osmo Wash and Care and the Osmo Micro-Mop Plush from the Mop Cleaning Kit for Floors. Avoid saturating the surface with water. For the convenient cleaning of floors use Osmo Spray-Mop. For furniture or small areas, use Osmo Spray Cleaner and Osmo Easy Pads.
Occasional Maintenance: For spot cleaning stubborn scuff marks, or occasionally refreshing satin or gloss Polyx-Oils use Osmo Liquid Wax Cleaner. Alternatively, Osmo Maintenance Oils can be used to occasionally refresh most Polyx Oil sheen levels, including matt. Ensure surfaces are appropriately cleaned before thinly applying Osmo Maintenance Oils.
Recoating: Simply re-apply one coat onto the appropriately cleaned and dried surface when signs of wear become visible.